Brain Nourishment

Brain Nourishment

Posted by Healthy Way Inc on Sep 17th 2022

Premium Nutrition Think Again™ is a formula designed to get through the blood-brain barrier and nourish your brain, and nerves in the brain (and bonus, nourishes nerves all over the body too). For many years, people have reported how much Think Again™ has helped with their memory, focus, and nerve issues.

Brain Food

Not A Stimulant No Caffeine

One of the ingredients utilized in Think Again™, Gotu Kola, is a perennial herb. Many people get this confused with Kola Nut which is often used in so-called energy drinks. Kola nut contains caffeine and is a stimulant. Good News! Gotu Kola used in Premium Nutrition Think Again™ is one part of a multi-layered well-balanced formula and is NOT a stimulant in any way and has no caffeine.

Fountain Of Life

Gotu Kola is known for being an herb of longevity. Mount Sinai website says, it is called,

“the fountain of life,” and legend has it that an ancient Chinese herbalist lived more than 200 years as a result of taking gotu kola.1

Some things we can say that Gota Kola is known for:


  • Brain & memory
  • Skin health
  • Mood health
  • Circulation
  • Wound healing
  • Liver and kidney health

Centuries Of Use

In traditional Ayurvedic medicine, gotu kola is known as a tonic to support the reduction of mental fatigue and improve mental clarity.

There are many amazing ingredients in Think Again™, so please check out the label >Click Here.

Ashwagandha Another Core Ingredient

Ashwagandha herb also known as Indian Ginseng is a key ingredient in this formula and is used in a properly combined way with other ingredients to keep the formula balanced and uplifting to our bodies. Many of you have probably heard of ashwagandha for balancing hormones in both women and men, and you probably have heard of it for energy, let’s look at some other things it supports.

  • Supports brain and memory
  • Supports in stress relieving effects
  • Supports upper and lower body strength
  • Thyroid support
  • Antioxidant properties
  • Strengthens immune system
  • Supports adrenals
  • Supports normal blood sugar
  • Supports nerves

Ashwagandha is an herb that is classified as an adaptogen. What is an adaptogen?

Oxford Languages for Bing, defines an adaptogen as

(in herbal medicine), a natural substance considered to help the body adapt to stress and to exert a normalizing effect upon bodily processes. A well-known example is ginseng.

Think Again Best Time To Use

*Suggested use: best taken morning, noon, and afternoon hours, stop 4 to 5 hours before your bedtime.*

More Brain & Memory Food

Premium Nutrition Magnesium – Magnesium is the #1 mineral in the hippocampus, the memory center of the brain. Some people do best on LifeMag™ Magnesium or for others, MagPlus™ Magnesium, or some of us need both kinds.

Since the #1 mineral in the memory center is magnesium, you can see why it would be wise to take all the magnesium your body actually needs.

Body Is Hardwired

Nutrients matter. Remember the concept that when you give the body the nutrients it needs, the body is hardwired to heal and repair itself if not to far damaged. We rarely know when it's too late for the body to repair or what is happening at cell levels, so it seems wise to get nourishing your body now.

Plugin Nutrients Needed

Our job is to plug in all the nutrients the body needs in the form of high-quality foods, highest-quality supplements, pure water, the cleanest environment we can, quality sleep, and try to lower the stress the best we can to support the body in the processes it is hardwired to do.

Premium Nutrition Zinc Plus™- Zinc is the #2 mineral in the hippocampus, the memory center of the brain. Take more Zinc Plus™ if you need help with your memory or any kind of brain issue. People tell us Zinc Plus™ helps them focus better than any other zinc product they have ever tried.

Premium Nutrition Vital B™ Complex + High B12 & Biotin – several B vitamins have been shown in research to support memory and brain cognition.

Definition Cognition

According to the APA Dictionary of Psychology, cognition is a term referring to mental processes like learning and comprehension. Some cognitive processes include thinking, knowing, remembering, judging, and problem-solving.

Potassium – is an essential mineral to support cognitive brain function. Symptoms like “brain fog” can be a sign you may need more potassium to nourish the brain.

Premium Nutrition Alive and Well™ – Nutrients and energy are needed to be able to think and concentrate. Have you ever been so tired you can’t think clearly? Alive and Well™ supports energy and can help with memory, focus, and concentration.

Rex Smith Nutrition Golden E Complete™ - is a powerful antioxidant that supports neuron cells in the brain. This is one product you definitely need to try, the best vitamin E complex we have EVER found.

Q Power™ CoQ10- is one of the most important nutrients to feed the mitochondria in the brain. Taking Q Power™ CoQ10 supports brain function and memory.

Other Important Brain Support Nutrients

Sunshine Plus D3, Boron & More

Relax™ Nighttime Brain Support
Click here > article on Relax Nighttime Brain Support

ThyroPrime™ Thyroid Support

Mega 12™ High B12 + Chromium

Omega 3 Formulas We Recommend

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.