This information is taken from a Rex Smith, Nutrition Researcher, training seminar years ago and is still relevant today. This explains some of why we believe Premium Nutrition minerals are of the highest quality.
The Chelation Process
When plants grow in the ground, they absorb the minerals from the surrounding soil. In order to simulate this powerful effect, a process called chelation (key-lay-shun) is used. This process is used to literally marry the minerals to a food substance so that your body can absorb and use the supplements.
Bad News
The bad news is that this process can be accomplished in a matter of hours, but the result is often an ineffective product. There are more profits for the companies that don’t take time to do this process correctly and less benefit to people needing this nutritional support.
Good News
The good news is that the products Rex supports use unique and proprietary processes to chelate their minerals.
The result: Your body more easily absorbs the minerals that you need to develop and maintain vibrant health.
Multiple Transporters
In the previous section, we mentioned a food substance that is joined to a mineral. This food substance is called a transporter. Each person will absorb different transporters better than others.
The bad news? It’s faster and more profitable to use a single, low-quality, and inexpensive transporter.
In contrast, a product in the Premium Nutrition line will use a combination of up to six transporters.
This approach provides your body with a “buffet” of ingredients from which to choose.
If your metabolism prefers one form of transporter over another, it’s there for you. This is just one reason why many people find that they can absorb Premium Nutrition minerals much more efficiently than with other products they’ve tried in the past.