VitaVision 700 Vital For Eyes

VitaVision 700 Vital For Eyes

Posted by Healthy Way Inc on Sep 7th 2024

Our eyesight is precious, and most of us take it for granted. You may find yourself squinting at small print and holding your reading material further and further away. “Well, I will just get a stronger pair of glasses on my next eye visit... that’s life.” But is it?

Your Eyeballs Are Starving

Our eyeballs are among the most complex parts of our body. They include an intricate balance of fluids, nerves, muscles, and capillaries. We also have millions of light receptors—millions!

Guess what? Those receptors need NUTRIENTS to give us crystal clear vision throughout our lives.

Customers who follow the principles of health taught by Rex Smith, Nutrition Researcher, have been fueling their eyes with the nutrients in VitaVision 700™ and our other eye support formulas for five, ten, or more than twenty years. A majority can accomplish incremental vision improvements despite their age! Remember, it has taken years and years of stress and nutrient deficiency to damage your eyesight, so be patient and consistent.

Your Body Has Priorities

Another health principle taught by Rex Smith is the body’s priority system. We can live without eyesight and other things like hearing and taste. VitaVision 700™ is packed with a powerful blend of antioxidants, trace minerals, vitamins, herbs, and amino acids that nourish our eyes. If the body is challenged and needs these nutrients in the liver, lungs, or other critical body systems, it will steal nutrients from our eyes! Yikes! Depositing into your eyeball health savings account must happen daily to nourish them.

Deep Nourishment

What part of the eye is VitaVision 700™ targeting? Let's look inside the eye: the essential retina is in the back. The “heart” of the retina is the critical macula, the key to optimal vision. It handles the most specific parts of the images in front of you: text on a page, tiny movements, and specific colors. Without a healthy macula, your vision would be blurry and lack detail. VitaVision 700™ is food for the macula.

Astounded At The Feedback

Lynne, a Healthy Way employee, came to us after selling vision supplements at other stores for twenty years! She says: “I always sold the latest and greatest vision formulas wherever I worked. I took them as a ‘faith’ supplement, saying, ‘I pray this is helping my eyes!'" But sadly, I never noticed a difference in my vision. I also never had that feedback from customers. I came to Healthy Way and was astounded at the feedback I was getting from customers after using VitaVision 700 and other support products!

I asked Rex Smith why. Rex replied that most other vision supplements tragically never reach the eyes! VitaVision 700 was formulated with the highest-quality ingredients, enough to reach the eyes, and it is a masterful recipe. You cannot find this nutritional trifecta–the recipe, the high-quality ingredients, and enough of those ingredients to support the eyes–anywhere else.

Testimonial from Teresa O.

“I started VitaVision several years ago because of challenging vision issues. Everyone in my family pitched in to gift me bottles of VitaVision. I have never looked back! My eyesight has stabilized, and I will never stop taking this product!”