Healthy Salt

Healthy Salt

Posted by Healthy Way Inc. on Dec 15th 2023

Most of us have been taught or have heard that craving salt is BAD, like craving sugar. But actually, it might just be a good craving you should listen to.

Choose Healthy Salt

However, don't eat bad foods to get the salt you need, like chips and things of this nature. Use high-quality, healthy versions of salt that aren't processed with chemicals, and versions without sugars and toxic anticaking agents added, and so forth.

Listen To Your Body

According to the doctor who wrote the book, The Salt Fix, craving sodium is our body's built-in mechanism to warn us we need the essential nutrients of sodium and chloride.

Blood Similar To Ocean

Did you know our blood is similar to that of ocean water? We all know how salty the ocean is. We have a lot of sodium in our bodies. Are you getting all your body needs of these essential minerals, sodium, and chloride?

Tired & Weak

If you ever feel tired and weak for no reason, it might be a sign your body needs more sodium. While some think it's best to avoid sodium, it plays a crucial role in keeping you energized and healthy.

Here's what can happen when you don't have enough sodium:

  • Feeling drained: Sodium helps your body maintain fluid balance, which is essential for proper muscle function. When you're deficient, you might experience fatigue, weakness, and even muscle cramps.
  • Adrenaline rush: Your body needs sodium. When it's low, your body can release adrenaline to compensate, leading to a jittery feeling and increased heart rate.
  • Hydration: Drinking water alone isn't enough for proper hydration. Sodium helps your body hold onto fluids, ensuring they reach your cells and tissues effectively. Without enough, you might feel dehydrated even after drinking plenty of water.

Healthy Salt Is An Essential Mineral To The Body