MagPlus Or LifeMag

MagPlus Or LifeMag

Posted by Healthy Way Inc on Sep 30th 2022

How do you know which Premium Nutrition Magnesium formula you should choose? Or do you take them both?

Let us look at the differences in these formulas:

Both MagPlus™ and LifeMag™ Magnesium have the same 4 kinds of absorbable magnesium per capsule. Having 4 transporter versions of the highest quality magnesium means more chances your body can utilize what it needs.

Properly Bonded Minerals

Premium Nutrition takes extra care and time when making their minerals and bonding them properly to food sources which is why they outperform anything we have found to date.

  • Magnesium Citrate
  • Magnesium Aminobond also called Rice Chelate or Amino Acid Chelate
  • Magnesium Asparatate
  • Magnesium Lysinate

Same But Different Ratios

The magnesium sources in each formula are the same, but the recipes in the formulas are different, which means there are varied ratios of each kind of magnesium in the different formulas. Everyone is different and will utilize the magnesium sources differently from each of the formulas. So try them and see which formula works best for you, and if your body likes both you have the option to take both formulas like some people successfully do.

Synergistic Ingredients In MagPlus

Premium Nutrition MagPlus™ Magnesium has extra ingredients that support your body in a synergistic way more than magnesium alone can do.

What are some of the ingredients and how do they nourish us? We suggest you look up the ingredients on the web to learn even more about these herbs.

Rosemary leaf – supports your memory, immune system, circulation, eyes, and more.

Irish Moss seaweed – is rich in iodine, and nourishes the thyroid, nerves, and is bone supportive.

Oat Straw – nourishes the brain and nervous system. It is a source of the trace mineral silica, known for bone, hair, skin, and nail support.

Marshmallow root – supports and nourishes the whole digestive system. Supports skin health and is also known to support wound healing.

Chickweed – nourishes the whole respiratory system including the lungs. Supports the eyes, the lymphatic system, and urinary health.

Hops – is nourishing and calming. Supports sleep, and the nervous system. It also nourishes and supports you while dealing with stress.

There is also included in the MagPlus™ an amino acid blend

  • L-Alanine, L-Carnitine, and L-Glutamine

Your Body Will Thank You

Whichever Premium Magnesium formula you choose, or whether you take them both like some people, you are getting the highest quality magnesium formulas we have ever found. Your body will say “Thank You” in many ways when taking these.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.