Pastured Eggs Protein Power House

Pastured Eggs Protein Power House

Posted by Healthy Way Inc. on Dec 19th 2023

Forget fancy powders and expensive shakes – nature's perfect protein source is surprisingly humble: the humble egg. Researchers have unraveled over 1,500 unique proteins packed within its shell, each playing a vital role in your health.

Eggs stand out from the protein crowd. Their nutritional quality is unmatched, boasting more amino acids (the building blocks of protein) than any other food except breast milk. But eggs aren't just about quantity; they're champions of diversity too. Packed with bioavailable nutrients, they offer a symphony of vitamins, minerals, and essential fats, readily absorbed by your body.

For the ultimate egg experience, seek out the gold standard: pasture-raised organic beauties. These free-ranging superstars bask in sunshine and feast on natural goodness, translating into even richer nutritional benefits. Local farmers' markets are your best bet for finding these gems.

Now, let's address the elephant in the room: cholesterol. The old fear mongering around egg yolks is thankfully outdated. In 2015, dietary cholesterol guidelines loosened.

Eggs are champions of brain health, too. They're bursting with fat-soluble vitamins like Vitamin A, crucial for your cognitive function and vision. And the list of goodies doesn't stop there: choline for sharper memory, omega-3s for brainpower, and a rainbow of antioxidants to fight free radicals.

So, there you have it. From brain to brawn, eggs are a nutritional powerhouse disguised in a delicious, affordable package. Crack open a new chapter in your health journey with this incredible, edible sunshine.