Superior CoQ10 Power™

Superior CoQ10 Power™

Posted by Healthy Way Inc. on Aug 25th 2023

Q Power Online Review

I started to have irregular heart rhythms about 10 years ago; I would have to cough to get the palpitations to stop and normal rhythm to return. I began to take these after listening to Rex one Saturday afternoon, but never expected it to effect the palpitations; I had taken other coq10 products in the past without any effect on them. After 3 days on GT-100/Q Power, I realized that I hadn't had a single palpitation and that has continued 99% over the past couple years. I will take CoQ10 Power™ from now on. Thank you for these and God Bless!

Rex Smith Nutrition CoQ10 Power™ is made from materials like were originally used in all the clinical studies that produced results and made this nutrient famous.

Q Power Nourishes

CoQ10 Power™ nourishes the heart, gums, liver, vision, hearing, and mitochondria, plus supports energy, stamina, and more.

Wow Factor: CoQ10 is found in every cell in the body.

When you strengthen your mitochondria, you make your immune system stronger. Stronger immune systems keep the body healthier.

Mitochondria are described as the energy factories of the cells.

Rex Smith, Nutrition Researcher, says we cannot get enough nutrients from our food anymore; many credible experts agree. Of course, we all should still eat as healthy as possible, but supplementation is needed to support the mitochondria further.

Supplements Nourish Mitochondria

One of the most important supplements for the mitochondria is coenzyme Q10. But not just any CoQ10 will produce good results. Enter Rex Smith Nutrition CoQ10 Power™.

More Mitochondria Support

Premium Nutrition LifeMag™ and MagPlus™ Magnesium are the best four transporter magnesium formulas we have ever seen, and they nourish the mitochondria.

BioLife C Multi-Complex Vitamin C

Premium Nutrition BioLife C™ is a multi-complex vitamin C with multiple forms of buffered vitamin C, including a fat-soluble form that stays in the body longer and FULL Potency bioflavonoids. Vitamin C has also been shown to play a role in mitochondrial health.

D3 Sunshine Plus

Premium Nutrition Sunshine Plus™ D3 Boron Curcumin & More nourishes and supports mitochondria, immunity, bones, etc. This D3 formula is one of the best we have ever seen.

More Premium Formulas To Nourish Mitochondria

  • Golden E Complete™
  • Nature's Wellness™ capsules
  • Vital B™ Complex + High B12 & Biotin
  • Stress Defense™
  • VitaVision 700™ & Sight Power™
  • Wellness Power™

Experiment with any and all of these until your body starts saying, “Thank You."

*No statements anywhere in this article or email update have been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The views and nutritional advice expressed are not intended for the purpose of providing medical advice. Please consult with your healthcare practitioner if you are taking any medications or have any medical conditions. Individual results may vary.