Alive & Well Best Of The Best

Alive & Well Best Of The Best

Posted by Healthy Way Inc. on Jul 8th 2023

Jill Online Review

If I don't take Alive & Well, after a few days I get cranky, tired and stressed. Every little thing starts to bug me and put me on edge. Thank you for Alive & Well! It's a life changer.



It was surprising for many people when Rex Smith, Nutrition Researcher, taught us that Premium Nutrition Alive & Well™ has heart-strengthening properties.

Heart Palpitations

Several people with heart palpitations have said that when they took Alive & Well™, their palpitations disappeared. One woman said she had heart pressure, and when she took enough Alive & Well™, that symptom disappeared. Rex said we aren't addressing any heart disease, just symptoms. This is a supplement that has properties that nourish your heart.

Shaking Internally

Rex talked about people who shake inside, or their hands and arms shake. Now, remember this is not addressing those who have diseases, but when you aren't diagnosed with a disease and you have these symptoms.

Symptom Of Shaking

People who had symptoms of shaking inside when they took Alive & Well™ often saw this go away or managed with taking it. We have also had more than one person who has experienced shaking inside after car accidents or other traumas. Taking Alive & Well™ capsules helped them greatly with this.

Kidney Liver Hormones & More

Rex talked about Alive and Well™ nourishing the circulatory system, immune system, digestive system, liver, kidneys, hormonal system, brain function, nerves, and as expected the adrenals.

Brain & Nerve Function

Did you know that Alive & Well™ helps support brain function & nerves? Many people have said they notice a huge difference in their memory when they take Alive & Well™ capsules. What do you notice that helps your brain function?

Try Alive & Well™ and Think Again™ together for a great dynamic duo for brain and nerve function.

Balanced Uplifting Nourishing

Rex and the doctor who formulated Alive & Well™ strongly recommend not taking single herbs alone. Often taking just one herb in larger quantities by itself can unbalance you. Liken it to eating large quantities of one food only all the time and neglecting other foods. Nutrient imbalances can occur, and other problems over time.

Science & Art

The doctor who formulated this is a Master Herbalist and a doctor gifted in knowing how to scientifically and artfully combine herbs and nutrients to provide you with a supplement that balances, uplifts, and nourishes the body.

Gifted Design

Speaking of balancing and uplifting, Rex talked about how this formula provides energy and vitalizing properties but, at the same time, is masterfully designed to be calming and soothing. This is in no way a stimulating formula. That takes a gifted formulator to make something energizing and calming simultaneously. It's rare. We are blessed to have this amazing formula.

Premium Alive & Well™ is Healthy Way’s best-selling herbal supplement.

Remember, most people should stop Alive & Well™ 4 to 5 hours before their bedtime due to the energizing and vitalizing properties.

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*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The views and nutritional advice expressed are not intended for the purpose of providing medical advice. Please consult with your healthcare practitioner if you are taking any medications or have any medical conditions. Individual results may vary.