Colloidal Silver Friend Or Foe

Colloidal Silver Friend Or Foe

Posted by Healthy Way Inc on May 24th 2022

We have all heard of it, Colloidal Silver, widely thought of as an antibacterial for internal or topical use.

Downside Kills Good Bacteria

Is there a downside to colloidal silver? Research says that colloidal silver does not discriminate between killing good and bad bacteria. Yikes! According to research, it can kill good bacteria. Why would we want to sacrifice any good bacteria when there are many better ways to go?

There are much better ways to support your body without the downsides of killing your good bacteria.


Here are some excellent ways to strengthen your system instead:

Nature’s Wellness™ Capsules
Sunshine Plus™ D3, Boron & More
D3 Supreme™
Zinc Plus™
BioLife C™

Rex Recommended Aloe Gel

Rex Smith, Nutrition Researcher, likes to use his favorite aloe gel for minor wounds and topical uses of all kinds:

Click here to see Rex recommended Aloe Gel

No Nutritional Value

Since colloidal silver has no nutritional value of any kind, it would be wise to go with choices that have nutritional value and upsides. 

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.