Dr. Berkowsky Talk On CircuTone

Dr. Berkowsky Talk On CircuTone

Posted by Holly Marchant - Notes On 2018 Dr. Berkowsky Presentation Posted on Feb 14th 2022

From A Dr. Berkowsky Talk on CircuTone™

When Dr. Berkowsky’s formula CircuTone™ first came out, he did a Focus On Nutrition radio program with Rex Smith, Nutrition Researcher on his new formula. While I was listening to the program I took some notes, and this is the result of those notes.

HeartBlood Flow ~ Circulation Of Blood

Dr. Berkowsky said, a 19 th Century Doctor, founder of osteopathy, Dr. Andrew Taylor Still said, “The rule of the artery is supreme.” Dr. Still understood that when working with the human body, you need to re-establish vitality of the blood flow. In other words, the starting point was to work on the blood flow, circulation of the blood.

Restore Blood Flow

Only focusing on a particular organ or area of the body is short sighted, as one needs to focus first in restoring blood flow to those areas.

Starting Point Is Blood Circulation

Blood Circulation should be the starting point. If not enough blood gets to the organs they work less effectively, and can stop working altogether.

Blood Is The River That Carries Nutrients

Dr. Berkowsky said two basics for health that the blood does for your body:

1. Red blood cells in the blood and arteries carry oxygen to all cells and organs.
2. Blood is the “river” that carries nutrients to cells and organs.

Whenever Blood flow is slowed down, health deteriorates.

Less Functional Body Means Less Blood Flow

When bodies become less functional that means that area is getting less blood, which means less oxygen and nutrients are going throughout the body.

When blood flow slows down, organs slow down, and to the extreme, organs begin to shut down completely. Finally, death can occur.

Blood Delivers Oxygen And Nutrients 

Blood is a delivery system of oxygen and nutrients. Optimal blood flow is important for overall health. Normal function of the body is dependent on nutrients getting to cells and organs of the body.

Symptoms of Restricted Blood Flow

Dr. Berkowsky went over just a few symptoms of restricted blood flow.

  • Cold hands & feet
  • All over body feeling “chilly”
  • Low energy
  • Skin not as vibrant & youthful

If you want better health, nourish and support your circulatory system. Help your body get oxygen and nutrients to your cells and organs with better blood circulation.

FREE Tip From Dr. Berkowsky

One free tip Dr. Berkowsky gave was to drink more water. He said to drink pure clean water, and not to try to get water from things like coffee or tea for example. He said things like coffee and tea are NOT recognized as water to the body.

Drink pure clean water daily because our blood is 83% water. On a daily basis drink enough water and eat enough fresh vegetables that have a high water content.

Premium Nutrition CircuTone

CircuTone™ is specifically designed and balanced with high-quality ingredients to support your body in nourishing your heart and blood circulation.

Don’t Take 4 To 5 Before Bedtime

Dr. Berkowsky recommended taking CircuTone™ before 4 pm, because it has energizing qualities due to helping the blood flow. Or if you have a different schedule, rule of thumb, don’t take 4 to 5 hours before your bedtime.

Heart E

CircuTone Will Enhance His Other Formulas

Dr. Berkowksy said CircuTone™ will enhance other Premium formulas of his that you take. When you get the blood flowing, nutrients can better reach the destinations they need to get to.

That's huge, CircuTone™ will support nutrients getting to where they are most needed.

Support Products for Heart & Circulation

Premium Nutrition formulas to help support the heart and circulation along with CircuTone™ are, LifeMag™ & MagPlus™ Magnesium, Golden E Complete, Q Power™ CoQ10 and BioLife C™.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.